Paper Wasps and Yellow Jackets

Paper wasp nests resemble an upside down umbrella of cells and are often found hanging under the eaves of buildings, in attics, trees, as well as other structures. Although they are capable of stinging, paper wasps are usually not aggressive unless disturbed. The sting of a paper wasp is similar to that of any other wasp. Paper wasps feed on nectar and other insects including caterpillars, flies and beetle larvae. They are often considered to be beneficial by gardeners. Paper wasps are generally considered a beneficial species. They will feed on agricultural pests such as caterpillars that can destroy crops. However when they are an uninvited guest in your home or yard, they are considered a pest. Since their territoriality can lead to attacks on persons and because their stings are quite painful and can produce a potentially fatal reaction in some individuals, nests in human-inhabited areas may present an unacceptable hazard.
Yellow Jackets are actually a type of Hornet. The Yellow Jacket can be found commonly in meadows and edges of forested land. The eastern yellow jacket builds nests underground or at ground level in fallen logs or tree stumps. The German yellow jacket often nests in the walls of houses and other buildings.
All yellow jackets are social insects with annual nests. In spring, a solitary queen emerges from hibernation. She builds a small nest using chewed wood pulp and raises the first generation of workers on her own. After they emerge, these workers collect food while the queen restricts herself to laying eggs. The larvae are fed pre-chewed insects caught by adults, while the adults feed on nectar and fruit pulp. The nest grows quickly and may contain several hundred to a few thousand workers by the end of the summer. As fall approaches, colonies produce males and new queens, which leave the nest to mate. After mating, the new queens burrow into the ground where they spend the winter. The workers, males and the old queen perish in the fall. Nest sites are seldom reused.
The yellow jacket can cause structural damage if a nest is built in wall or attic. Yellow jackets become very numerous towards the end of summer and may be persistent, unwelcome guests at picnics where they scavenge for food. Because of their aggressive behavior, they should not be approached or delt with by someone without the experience to handle them.
If you have a yellow jacket problem, we can handle them without the risk of you getting stung or an allergic reaction happening. If you find nests in or around your house or property please, do not attempt to remove the wasps or yellow jackets on your own. Do not put you or your family at risk. Let us take that risk for you. Contact Christopher Pest Control for your paper wasp removal needs.